Modeling Against Bullying is Back at Emerald Lounge
Creator of the Modeling Against Bullying Campaign and Fashion Publicist Crissy Ford-Leatham is back at it again on Wednesday June 22nd in collaboration with Emerald Lounge for Lucy's LOVE Bus. The bold, bright looks and fun editions of 2015’s fashion show left an impact on all in attendance. This year with Bill Dwyer performing along with the city’s top athletes, entrepreneurs, and stunning models the event is one not to be missed.
The Models against Bullying Campaign has been growing and gaining momentum over the past four years. It has put the cause in the fast lane and now will show the stand to fight against bullying for the second year in a row.
The Models Against Bullying Campaign consists of fashion and beauty models who have either been bullied or are bullying advocates. Each model shares their story with the campaign. Crissy Leatham started the campaign with a focus of wanting the world to see that models are not perfect, they are individuals who have seen life today and realized bullying made them stronger. The models have made a solid statement through their personal endeavors, community outreach and a variety of editorials shot over the past four years.
Creator of the campaign Leatham stated, “The Models Against Bullying Campaign is more than a representation of models. It’s an example of how individuals can overcome trauma they faced and strive for the peace that life should bring. The Emerald Lounge and Fulgenzio Coppola Image Design Salon have partnered with the Models against bullying campaign to bring our campaign’s vision to life. Our goal together is to work and raise funds for Lucy’s Love Bus. The outcome is to help both the victim and the bully understand that a relationship is more valuable to life than hurting one another.”
A highlight to this year’s event will be the live performance by Bill Dwyer. Scene&Style was able to catch up with busy musician for an interview on; how he met Crissy to be involved with the evening and what projects are up next.
Dwyers commented, “I met Crissy about 2 plus years ago and then I went to a fundraiser she put together at a salon on Newbury Street which a blast, we became fast friends. Crissy kicks serious ass!!! She is a beautiful human being! Her first MABC event at The Emerald Lounge last year was off the hook FUN! It's for a SUPER cause and I'm honored to be a part of it. I’m looking forward to all the beautiful energy there this year. I will be performing three songs at the event, South Caroline, Boomerang and Chemicals In My Brain.
Bill closed out the interview by saying, “My upcoming projects include: preparing for a 2-week tour of Europe in the fall 2016. I am writing and finishing a bunch of brand new material for our 2nd full length record. Also having an exhibition of my photography in Cambridge, Ma (opening date TBA probably July-August 2016) and helping out humanity to be the best it can be as much and as often as I can.”
You can catch Bill live on June 22nd at the fashion show or for a link to record samples visit You can check out their new record 'Renaissance After Sundown' on itunes or cdbaby or for more on the artist visit
The Modeling Against Bullying Campaign in collaboration with Emerald Lounge for Lucy's LOVE Bus will take place Wednesday June 22nd. The event details are listed as follows:
Event Location: The Emerald Lounge
Event Time: 7:00 PM - 12 AM
Live Performance by Bill Dwyer
Door Prizes and 50 VIP Gift Bags with full size products
Kristi Vosbeck - Designer - New York
Angelica Timas - Designer - Boston
R.E.D - Rabia ED - Designer - Paris
Claude Michelle Sanon - Designer - Boston
Cooper 9 - Gianni Valentino - Designer - Los Angeles Anna Maven - Boston
Madison Avenue Accessories - Diel Louisgene
HAIR and Makeup Team
MakeUp: Janeen Jones and her team
MakeUp: Leslie Patrock
MakeUp: Jill Fontaine
Hair: Eurayshia Reed - Shi Shi's Lounge
Hair: Elza Rosa - Blowdry Bar
Nail Technician - DanaLynn Owner of Fun Fancy Nails
For tickets visit